You’re concerned with next-gen transition.

Do you have the talent in-house for this challenge, or do you need to consider an outside search?

New competition is threatening your market share.

What’s the best way to counter this threat?

Your competition just hired two of your best people.

How do you respond?

Should you train your own entry-level people?

Or hire them, slightly seasoned, from other companies?

Are you delivering the value you promised your customers?

How do you find out?

Are you in a Rut?

Your company seems to be in a groove.  Yet, something tells you…you’re in a rut. 

A fine line between the two, and an easily disguised difference.

On one hand, business has been consistent, stable, even predictable. 

On the other, you sense a certain staleness – a comfortable complacency with the status quo.  The notion that, if nothing is broken, there’s no need to change it.

In the meantime, other companies are starting to gain on you.  Perhaps for the first time in your company’s history, you are beginning to lose ground.  You don’t know what’s next.

Companies can survive in a rut.  They rarely prevail, beyond short term, to grow and thrive.  But in business, to be stationary is to become competitive bait.

Are you the bait?


Are you in a Transition?

Your company is in a leadership transition.  It may be something you want to happen.  It may be something that needs to happen.  It may be something that you neither wanted nor needed, but was thrust upon you.

No matter the reason, your company is at a critical inflection point.  Your employees know it.  Your competitors will find out.  Your customers are concerned.

Your transition is exciting (even if you don’t want it to be)!  It offers the hope of a legacy for you.  In many respects it offers a renewal of the energy you had when you started or joined your company.  It is both a great time and a perilous one.

If you are thoughtful about your transition (and you probably think about it all the time), you’ve got to be asking yourself some of the following questions:

  • Do I have the in-house talent for this transition, or do I need to consider an outside search? How do I figure that out?
  • Where are the upside opportunities in this transition? Will a new generation of leaders help me achieve even more?
  • If I step back, how do I stay in touch with how the company is performing – and learn about it before it goes south on me?

If you are asking yourself these questions (and more), you are probably wondering if now is the time.  If you are ready.

Are you?

Are you considering a Transaction?

There comes a time in every entrepreneur’s life when selling the company becomes a more relevant consideration.  Perhaps there are no children that want to be part of the business.  Perhaps it is time to buy out a partner.  Perhaps it is time to realize the value you have created from all of your genius over the years.  Perhaps its just time.

You’ve talked to your attorney.  You’ve discussed it with your accountant.  Someone recommended a good investment banker.  But, still, you wonder if there is more.  Will you get the value you and your family deserve from all of your hard work and sacrifices?  Is there a way to increase the return you get?


No promises here.  It all depends.  Is it worth a conversation?


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